Finding Your Community: Building a Diverse, Inclusive Community at Crystal & Stone

Finding Your Community: Building a Diverse, Inclusive Community at Crystal & Stone

Oct 25, 2023Dylan MacIntyre

In the vast landscape of spirituality, finding a like-minded community can be a transformative and empowering experience. It's a place where ideas flow freely, and individuals are encouraged to explore their unique spiritual journeys. When I first moved from Canada to Australia, I found it hard to find my people and was always looking for groups or spaces that fit my vibe.

At Crystal & Stone, we understand the value of a supportive community and have worked tirelessly to create an environment that is not only inclusive, but also fun, accessible, LGBTQIA+ friendly, and welcoming to families.

The Quest for Like-Minded Souls: For many on a spiritual journey, the quest for a community that resonates with their beliefs and values can be a challenging one. The mainstream narrative often falls short of capturing the diverse and vibrant tapestry of spiritual beliefs and practices. It's in this gap that Crystal & Stone strives to make a difference. We do this by bringing the spiritual "game" if you will, into the modern world. Our events, workshops and markets help build bridges in the community between individuals, businesses and other communities!

Inclusivity as Our Guiding Light: I grew up in my family fighting for inclusivity at every corner. My brother has Downs Syndrome and my parents taught me early on the importance of inclusion and making everyone feel welcomed and supported. At Crystal & Stone, inclusivity isn't just a buzzword – it's the very foundation of our community. We believe that spirituality is a personal journey, and everyone deserves a space where they feel seen, heard, and valued. Our doors are open to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, or background. We also are open to offering support when necessary. One example of this is that we have a Braille type printer that has allowed members of our community to join in where sight might otherwise be necessary. We also have provided our staff with an introductory AUSLAN course to welcome the deaf community (although we are all still learning as best we can). 

A Safe Haven for the LGBTQIA+ Community: We proudly stand as an LGBTQIA+ friendly space, knowing that the spiritual path is as diverse as the individuals who walk it. Here, you'll find acceptance, support, and celebration of the unique journeys that members of the LGBTQIA+ community embark upon. It helps that most of our staff are pretty queer! Haha! 

A Family Affair: Spirituality isn't limited by age, and at Crystal & Stone, families are not only welcome but cherished. We've created an environment where parents, children, and everyone in between can explore their spiritual interests together. Our events and workshops are designed with families in mind, fostering a sense of connection and shared growth. We've specifically designed our tables so there is room to move a pram around and (most) crystals are displayed with the idea that they will be touched by anyone including little ones.

Access for All: We recognise that accessibility is a crucial aspect of building a thriving spiritual community. Our physical space is designed to be welcoming to all, ensuring that everyone can participate in events and activities without barriers.

The Fun Factor: Spirituality doesn't have to be serious all the time. At Crystal & Stone, we believe in infusing a sense of playfulness and joy into our community. From themed events to interactive workshops, we aim to create an environment where learning and growing feels like an adventure.

At Crystal & Stone, we're not just in the business of providing crystals and spiritual tools. We're dedicated to nurturing a community that feels like home, where individuals can share their experiences, learn from one another, and grow together. Our commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and fun ensures that everyone who walks through our doors feels the warmth and support of a like-minded family.

Join us on this incredible journey of self-discovery, growth, and connection. Together, we're creating something truly magical. 

For more information about our space and our events please make sure to check out our events page here and be sure to check out our events instagram for updates here  

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Comments (2)

  • This post made me cry. In the best way. This post puts exactly into words what C&S is and why its is so much more to me than ‘just a crystal shop’. I have been asked often “why do you love that place so much?” This post explains exactly why. “THAT PLACE” and it’s people changed my life. 100% the truth.

    Monday was actually my one year anniversary since the first time that I showed up on the doorstep of the showroom for a workshop. Running on nuclear level anxiety (I’m surprised I wasn’t radioactive). I’d finally ended my 16 year toxic relationship with someone who was just no good for me and I was completely lost, feeling so very alone, unwanted and unlovable in every sense. I truly was in my darkest place.

    Then in the space of one afternoon I had met and was welcomed by truly the most beautiful souls on this earth. I can’t ever put into words how grateful I am to the ENTIRE C&S team for the love, support and kindness they have shown me this past year. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I didn’t find you all when I did. My life is better for you all being in it. My beautiful crystal collection is an energetic bonus.

    Thank you for being the amazing people that you are. Thank you for providing the amazing space that you do, a safe space for anyone and everyone who may need it, even if they don’t know what they need. Just like me. I didn’t know what I wanted. I had no idea that I would find this amazing little family. I love you all so much.

  • This post made me cry. In the best way. This puts into words exactly what C&S is and why it is so much more to me than ‘just a crystal shop’. When I get asked often " why do you love that place so much?" THAT PLACE and the people within changed my life. 100% truth.

    Monday 6th November was actually my 1 year anniversary since the first time that I arrived on the doorstep at the showroom for a workshop. Running on nuclear level anxiety (I’m surprised I wasn’t radioactive), I’d finally ended my 16 year relationship with someone who was just no good for me and I was so lost and I truly believed that I was all alone, unwanted and unlovable in every sense. I was truly in my darkest place.

    Then in the space of one afternoon I had met and was welcomed by truly the most beautiful souls on this earth. I can’t ever put into words how grateful I am to ENTIRE C&S team for the love, support and kindness they have shown me this past year. I honestly don’t know what would have happened if I didn’t find you all when I did. My life is better for you all being in it. The crystals are an energetic bonus.

    Thank you for being the amazing people that you are. Thank you for providing the amazing space that you do, a safe place for anyone and everyone who may need it, even if they don’t know what they need. Just like me. I didn’t know what I wanted or needed. I had no idea that I would find a little family. I love you all. Truly all I can say is thank you for having me.


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